Market Beyond The Search Engines

Social Media Marketing creates and leads powerful social media campaigns that will intelligently rocket your traffic, promote your brand and grow leads and sales with maximize Return On Investment [ROI] to give you a feeling of power and importance in the marketplace.

Social Media Advertising

Social Media Marketing Services Overview

Facebook Social Media Marketing Overview

Facebook Page Management
The goal of our Facebook management service is to increase the engagement rate with the existing base of Facebook fans. One of the ways that we accomplish this is through an ongoing content marketing system that runs through the website of the client. Our system publishes articles with infographics that are being shared within Facebook. This allows us to send high converting traffic to pages within your site that reinforce social media marketing via sharing.

Facebook Like Building
We work with our clients to increase the total number of prospects and customers that have liked their Facebook page. Every social media marketing campaign is unique to each client, and we focus on leveraging existing assets that will deliver the highest ROI.

Facebook Social Media Advertising
We create and manage Facebook ad campaigns for our clients. Our social media ad experts create custom Facebook ad campaigns that are designed to focus in on the ideal target audience with the highest conversion rate. The design team also creates custom landing pages tailored to be congruent with each advertisement.

Twitter Social Media Marketing Overview

Twitter Account Management
As with Facebook, we leverage our content marketing system to push targeted Twitter traffic back to the client's website. The end goal is to drive more revenue from social media marketing. This is accomplished by creating tweets that having the highest click through and retweet rate. The two major components of a successful tweet are the message and the landing page.

Increasing Twitter Followers
One of the primary goals of our social media marketing campaigns is to increase the total number of Twitter followers to our clients. The number of followers that a company has can influence everything from the conversions ratio of the site to how long a visitor will stay on a website. We use a variety of social media marketing techniques and strategies to increase this number.

Twitter Social Media Advertising
We use a network of the most influential users on Twitter to promote our clients to. The network is made up of over 42,000 people and businesses that have agreed to tweet out messages in exchange for getting paid for each click that the tweet generates. We also work with high profile celebrities that are paid per tweet as opposed to per click. 

YouTube Social Media Marketing Overview

YouTube Video SEO
The biggest ROI producing video marketing technique is YouTube SEO. YouTube is the number two search engine behind Google, which means that it is bigger than Yahoo and Bing. Our proprietary process allows us to have our client's videos show up first in the search results for high converting phrases/keywords on YouTube.

YouTube Channel Design
For all of our clients that will utilize our YouTube services, we create a custom YouTube channel using design elements from their main website.

LinkedIn Social Media Marketing Overview

LinkedIn Connections
The number of LinkedIn connections is the most important element of the social media marketing strategy for LinkedIn. We help our clients connect with some the most connected users on Linkedin. This allows them to virtually contact any decision maker on the network.

LinkedIn SEO
LinkedIn search traffic converts at a five times greater rate than Google search. Our social SEO specialists optimize our clients profiles so that they will come up for specific searches for targeted keyword phrases. 

LinkedIn Status Updates
As with Facebook and Twitter, LinkedIn also allows you to send status updates to everyone that you are connected with on LinkedIn. We strategically word the updates to increase social sharing and click-thoughs to the landing page.

Why your company needs social media
The true power of social media comes from the ability to create a community around your company and create digital conversations with your customers and clients. Whether it's using a blog to showcase your company culture, or using Facebook or Twitter for fast, personal customer service, Social Media Advertising has the proven track record that will harness that power for you. Social Media Marketing is unique because online campaigns transcend the web and enter the offline world to generate leads and sales for our clients. 

Lai Adeyemi social media marketing focus

Our Social Media Marketing Focus

Twitter Social Media Marketing Services

We focus our Twitter efforts on helping small businesses increase their Twitter followers count. A high follower count plays a vital role in the conversion rate of a website by establishing trust between the visitor and the company.  

YouTube Social Media Marketing Services
Our overall goal with our YouTube marketing services is to increase the visibility of our clients' videos. Through increasing their views and subscribers, we are able to significantly increase organic views by having their videos rank highly in YouTube and Google search.

LinkedIn Social Media Marketing Services
With LinkedIn, we are helping our clients increase the overall number of high value connections Our clients are connected with the most influential users on LinkedIn, which allows them to contact virtually any key decision maker.

Best Times to Share on Social Media

Facebook Status Updates and Likes
The best time to share is between 1pm and 4pm. The traffic builds after 9am, and the peak time for the week is at 3pm on Wednesday. 

Twitter Tweets and Retweets
For Twitter the best time to send out tweets are between 1pm and 3pm. The traffic begins to get going after 11am and the peak days are Monday through Thursday.

LinkedIn Shares and Updates
Since most people on LinkedIn are professional adults, the best times to share are 7am-9am and 5pm-6pm. The peak days for traffic are Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.

Pinterest Pins and Repins
The best times for posting on Pinterest are 2pm-4pm and 8pm-1am. Moms tend to login after the children are in bed. 


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